Made in Amercia for the USA Olympic Athletes?

United States Senator

 Robert Menendez D – New Jersey

For Immediate Release July 12, 2012

Menendez to U.S. Olympic Committee: NJ Workers Stand Ready To Produce Uniforms For American Olympiads Workers at Individualized Shirts in Perth Amboy would be “proud to sew” Washington – In response to reports that the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) outsourced the production of the uniforms for American Olympic athletes to China, U.S. Senator Robert Menendez tells the committee to “give me a call” for help in finding American manufacturers ready, willing, and able to do the job.

“As an American who loves the Olympic games, and as a U.S. Senator who has fought to keep American jobs here in America and spoken out about the unfair labor and trade practices used by Chinese companies, I am appalled by the decision of the USOC to outsource the production of our nation’s Olympic team uniforms to China,” Menendez said. “I simply do not understand why the Olympic Committee couldn’t find – or didn’t look for – an American company. In fact, if the USOC is having a hard time finding American workers to make uniforms for Americans, they should give me a call, because there are great New Jersey companies – like Individualized Shirts – who can turn them around in record-breaking time,” he added.

Amos Turner, Vice President of Manufacturing for Individualized Shirts agreed: “American manufacturers are both capable and willing to make the uniforms for the U.S. Olympic team, and at the prices charged by their Chinese manufacturers, there is no question that if given an opportunity we could compete and win this business.

American shirt makers like Individualized Shirts in Perth Amboy, New Jersey have skilled American workers who would be proud to sew the opening day uniforms for the U.S. Olympic Team. ” “Just like our American Olympic athletes, American workers are the best in the world,” said Menendez. “All they need to win is a level playing field.”

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